Welcome to our Mexican Blog

We will share experiences through the learning of English language. And sometimes some projects in Spanish just for fun.
Aquí verán imágenes y videos también en español para compartir los trabajos del año escolar y... otros para entretenernos
Facebook:Ricardo Tonatiuh Messenger: teacher7rich@live.com.mx


Waiting outside the Museum 

 Solving a Coyolxauhqui puzzle

An Aztec "penacho" for students

The Aztec Main Temple Workshop

At the TEMPLO MAYOR MUSEUM 4th, 5th and 6th CES students listened to an explanation of the whole Museum in Spanish by Teacher Ricardo Tonatiuh
Visiting a library

Visiting a library inside.

Playing at the park

A PE class in English Language

Teotihuacan, Estado de México

Look at these pictures of our visit to the Ecological Park of Cuicuilco and its sigular pyramid (Built around the year 200 BC).
Cuicuilco, Tlalpan, México City


Mother's Day Festival 2011

CES News Banner

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