Welcome to our Mexican Blog

We will share experiences through the learning of English language. And sometimes some projects in Spanish just for fun.
Aquí verán imágenes y videos también en español para compartir los trabajos del año escolar y... otros para entretenernos
Facebook:Ricardo Tonatiuh Messenger: teacher7rich@live.com.mx

Friday, May 13, 2011

¡Viva México! Mother's Day Festival

May 10th, 2011. 
All the CES students presented a Mexican Dance Festival because of Mother's day in México.

We celebrate all moms in our country this day.
It isn't a common presentation at school, so all the students were dancing at a beautiful place called "Casa de la Cultura, Bosque de Tlalpan"
"Casa de la Cultura" at Tlalpan, Mexico City
There is a magnificent sculpture outside:
Miguel Hidalgo's beautiful sculpture,
father of the Mexican Independence

All the families were there!

 Some dancing pictures:
Preescolar Dancing Time

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Mother's Day Festival 2011

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